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The difference between machined aluminum and die-cast aluminum
Category: Industry Information
Date: 2018-05-07
Click: 1529
Author: admin
The heat dissipation and good appearance of aluminum alloys have surpassed the current plastic materials, and the weight of the weight itself is irreplaceable by plastics.

The heat dissipation and good appearance of aluminum alloys have surpassed the current plastic materials, and the weight of the weight itself is irreplaceable by plastics.


1, the difference in materials:


Die-cast aluminum alloy generally adopts ADC12 or ALsi9cu3. The two-car aluminum generally adopts 6063 or 6061.


2, the difference in appearance:


Die-cast aluminum is equivalent to plastic injection molding process, and can be manufactured in any shape. The outer casing of the street lamp is generally made of die-cast aluminum. The shape of the equal section of the two-car aluminum has a small change, such as the heat sink of the bulb, the aluminum profile of the door and window.


3, thermal conductivity:


The general conductivity of die-cast aluminum is about 80-90W/M.K, while the thermal conductivity of aluminum is about 180-190W/M.K.


4, cost:


The cost of die castings and aluminum is relatively high, calculated by weight and machining. Calculate costs based on real-time material prices and labor. Relatively speaking, the cost of die-cast aluminum is higher, but the specific situation should be analyzed.


5, production efficiency:


The production efficiency of injection molding is definitely higher. In batch production, it is generally produced more than 1,000 a day, and the size is stable, and the shrinkage rate is 0.5%. There are more components in the aluminum machine processing, as the name suggests is the car aluminum. The efficiency is naturally lower.


6, application:


Die-cast aluminum is widely used in automobiles, street lamps and the current mobile phone industry. The aluminum is widely used in downlights, ceiling lamps, doors and windows.

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