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What are the main methods of processing aluminum products?
Category: Industry Information
Date: 2018-05-07
Click: 1305
Author: admin
Aluminum products processing is a daily necessities and industrial products obtained through a series of processing and packaging processes. What is the treatment of aluminum products processing?

Aluminum products processing is a daily necessities and industrial products obtained through a series of processing and packaging processes. These aluminum products are indispensable for the deep processing step. So, what is the role of aluminum processing? What are the main methods of processing aluminum products? What is deep processing? What principles should be emphasized in deep processing? What is the treatment of aluminum products processing?


First, before we understand the processing of aluminum products, let's first understand the element of aluminum. As we all know, aluminum is a metal element of the earth's crust, Zhong Hanliang, good ductility, good flexibility, good electrical conductivity, can be drawn into filaments and rolled into foil, so it is often used to manufacture wires and cables for packaging in food factories. food.


It can be used in major industries such as aviation, construction, automotive, and food. Next, let us know about aluminum products. There are many types of aluminum products, such as cast steel, pure aluminum alloy, aluminum manganese alloy, aluminum magnesium alloy, aluminum copper tin alloy and so on. The processed aluminum products are available in several forms: sheets, sheets, rolled sheets, strip extruded products, pipes, solid bars, profiles, and the like. Processing refers to the re-production of aluminum products, while deep processing of aluminum products refers to the improvement of semi-finished aluminum products. This means that it is further manufactured on the already formed aluminum products, making its performance more reliable.


The main methods of processing aluminum products are rolling, extrusion, drawing and forging. In the deep processing of aluminum products, the accuracy of the machine tool must be ensured, the higher the better, and the hydrostatic bearing spindle of the machine tool is generally used. The tools used must be diamond-hardened tools and professionally ground.


Next, the cutting fluid can be directly used for the emulsion for mirror processing. One treatment for the processing of aluminum products is heat treatment, called heat treatment of the finished product. This treatment covers finished annealing, solution treatment, quenching, natural aging and artificial aging. At present, there are also graded aging and deformation heat treatment processes. Artificial aging treatment can provide the mechanical properties of aluminum products, as well as the stress corrosion resistance and fracture toughness of aluminum products.

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