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Alcoa aluminum alloy and its application technology training held
Category: Company News
Date: 2014-11-26
Click: 915
Author: admin
The participants in the conference were mainly from aluminum cans in the special-purpose vehicle industry. Alcoa also arranged for participants to visit the Alcoa-owned factory in Bohai.

The application of aluminum alloy sheets in the transportation industry, especially in aluminum alloy tankers, aluminum alloy dump trucks and high-speed motor vehicles, has become more and more popular. In order to better understand the characteristics of aluminum alloy sheet, the production process and solve various design process problems in practical applications, American Airlines Metal (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: American Airlines Metals) January 14-16, 2013 As an authorized distributor of Alcoa China Technology Center (ALCOA) in China, it held a training course on aluminum alloy and its application technology with Alcoa. The participants in the conference were mainly from aluminum cans in the special-purpose vehicle industry. Project leader, workshop supervisor and technical engineer, a total of 48 students.

At the training meeting, Alcoa's expert team gave detailed explanations on the process of aluminum, aluminum alloy mining, processing, manufacturing, aluminum alloy forming, welding, corrosion performance, and commercial transportation sheet and aluminum structure design. And answered the questions raised by the participants in each session. Alcoa also arranged for participants to visit the Alcoa-owned factory in Bohai. From the advanced tooling equipment and orderly production environment in the factory, the trainers felt that Alcoa's corporate culture is focused on safety, efficiency and leanness.

Since the expansion of the Chinese market, Alcoa has been the third training class in the special-purpose vehicle industry. American Airlines and Alcoa have long signed contracts to become the dealers that signed contracts in China at that time. In the same year, they achieved annual sales of 1,500 tons of Alcoa products and won the “Best Strategic Partner in China” issued by Alcoa. "title.

Alcoa aluminum alloy sheet

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