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Yu Zhengsheng met with the general manager of Meihao Metal (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Category: Company News
Date: 2011-09-09
Click: 571
Author: admin
On the morning of September 13, 2010, Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Secretary Yu Zhengsheng met with the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger and his party.

On the morning of September 13, 2010, Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Secretary Yu Zhengsheng met with the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger and his party. They welcomed the guests to visit Shanghai and visit the World Expo. The general manager of Meihao Metal Co., Ltd. attended the meeting. During the meeting, Yu Zhengsheng said that Shanghai and California have very close economic and trade cooperation. Many US companies have invested in Shanghai, and many Shanghai companies have exported their products to the United States. The close economic and trade cooperation has promoted the economic development of both sides. In recent years, Shanghai has made a lot of efforts in environmental governance and has achieved some results. Although there are still many challenges in the development, our determination and intensity to protect the environment will not change. Shanghai will strive to make greater progress in reducing carbon emissions, sewage treatment, improving water and air quality, energy conservation and promotion of new energy vehicles. .


Arnold Schwarzenegger said that the splendid Shanghai World Expo is full of magic and impressive. I hope that California can learn from Shanghai's experience to bid for the 2020 World Expo. California will further strengthen its cooperation with Shanghai to promote common development.

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