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Maintenance method of aluminum profile measuring tool
Category: Company News
Date: 2011-09-09
Click: 538
Author: admin
In the production of aluminum profiles, the measuring tools are like weapons for the inspectors. When it is not used for a long time (more than 1 month), apply anti-rust oil to the measuring surface.

In the production of aluminum profiles, the measuring tools are like weapons for the inspectors. If the weapon is in a semi-defective or damaged state, the test result has no meaning and does not have supervisory control over the quality of the product. Therefore, the maintenance and care of measuring tools is very important. The following are the maintenance specifications for several measuring tools (for commonly used testing tools):

1. The storage location of the measuring tool should be kept clean and dry, free from vibration and corrosive gas, and away from places with large temperature variations or places with magnetic fields. The gauges stored in the gage box should be clean and dry, and no other debris should be stored.

2. After using the measuring tool, wipe off the surface stains and aluminum chips, and loosen the fastening device. When it is not used for a long time (more than 1 month), apply anti-rust oil to the measuring surface. When the measuring tool is not in use, it should be placed in a protective box. It is best to use it exclusively for a full-time use, and make an annual audit record of the measuring instrument by the authoritative unit.

3. Do not use the oil stone or abrasive cloth to rub the surface of the measuring instrument and the measuring surface and the marking part. Non-metering maintenance personnel are strictly prohibited to disassemble, modify and arbitrarily repair the measuring tool.

4. When there is a burr on the surface of the workpiece, be sure to remove the burr and measure it. Otherwise, the gauge will be worn and the accuracy of the measurement will be affected.

5. Do not touch the measuring surface of the measuring instrument by hand, because the wet dirt such as sweat on the hand will contaminate the measuring surface and make it rust. Do not mix the gauge with other tools and metal materials to avoid bumping the gauge.

6. Do not use the tip of the caliper as a stylus, compass or other tool. Do not twist the two jaws or use the gauge as a card.

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