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Meijun Metals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 

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Category: 行業(yè)資訊
Date: 2018-10-24
Click: 2983
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The purpose of this memorandum is to discuss some of the sources of variation in anodizing response of aluminum plate products.  Anodizing can be influenced by local variations in composition, precipitate distribution, and grain structure that develop naturally during fabrication.

這個(gè)文件的目的是討論鋁陽(yáng)極氧化現象變化的來(lái)源。在制造過(guò)程中,陽(yáng)極氧化自然會(huì )受到局部成分變化,沉淀的分布,和晶粒結構的影響



Aluminum wrought plate is fabricated from thick, direct chill cast ingot.  During the solidification process, solute elements (in the case of 7075, predominantly Zn, Cu, and Mg) are pushed out of the initial metal to solidify and into the remaining liquid, which results in a composition gradient through the thickness (and across the width) of the ingot.  This gradient persists through fabrication, and influences the subsequent formation of precipitates, such that the final plate will have differences in composition and precipitation throughout.



Another factor is that grain structure within the plate also varies through the plate thickness and across the width.  These gradients are due in part to composition differences (in this case, the dispersoid former, Cr, is the important element) and in part due to the thermomechanical processing to which the plate is subjected during hot rolling.  As gauge decreases, temperature control is more difficult to maintain, and gradients in grain structure may become more pronounced.

另一個(gè)因素是,板材內在的晶粒結構會(huì )隨著(zhù)厚度和寬度發(fā)生變化。這些梯度變化由于部分構造不同而產(chǎn)生(在這種情況下,最先析出的元素,鉻是主要的影響因素),部分原因是由于軋過(guò)程中的熱處理產(chǎn)生的。隨著(zhù)尺寸減小,溫度控制更難以保持,晶粒結構的梯度變化也會(huì )更加明顯。


Finally, when aluminum plate products are quenched after solution heat treatment, the quenching medium (generally water) impinges on the metal surface, efficiently removing heat.  In the interior of the plate, heat must be transferred outward to the surface, resulting in a through thickness gradient in quench rate.  This gradient in quench rate also contributes to local variations in precipitate distribution and anodizing response.

有效地去除熱降溫。在板的內部,熱量必須向外傳遞到表面,導致在一個(gè)通過(guò)厚度梯度的淬火速率。這個(gè)淬火速率梯度也會(huì )影響晶體的成長(cháng)沉淀的分布和陽(yáng)極氧化反應。

Given the gradients discussed above, it is not unusual to have different parts from within the same lot respond differently to anodizing, depending on their location within the lot.



Because it is a natural outcome of the manufacturing process, anodizing performance in plate is not guaranteed, although Kaiser Aluminum has done a great deal of research over the past several years in an effort to minimize through-thickness differences in anodizing behavior.  This research has culminated in the recent introduction of Kaiser Select? 6061-T651 plate, offering improved uniformity in through-thickness anodizing response.

因為是制造過(guò)程中的自然結果,陽(yáng)極氧化板材的性能不能保證,盡管Kaiser鋁業(yè)在過(guò)去幾年里盡量減少厚度差異對陽(yáng)極電鍍反應的影響進(jìn)行了大量研究。本研究最終成果在Kaiser 6061-T651板最近推出,通過(guò)不同厚度的陽(yáng)極氧化反應改進(jìn)板材的均勻性


Brian A. Cheney

Senior Staff Product Engineer

Kaiser Aluminum – Trentwood Works


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