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Analysis of the Causes of the Formation of Imported Aluminum Alloy White Spots
專(zhuān)欄:Company News
If mixed with other materials, due to factors such as material hardness, applicable tools, processing conditions, etc., it will inevitably lead to material processing problems;

Customer: "I chose your American imported aluminum. How have you always had white spots?" Recently, a customer complained to me. When I was on the field for two days, I used the exclusion method to leak the tools and guide rails. After the reasons for the removal of raw materials, the results found that there are three points:

1. The customer's processing machine tool is processed together with stainless steel, copper and aluminum alloy;

2. The pH of the cutting fluid goes to pH 7.86, and the requirement of the factory is still pH 8-12, which is obviously alkaline;

3, the depth of the knife is too large, the depth of each knife is close to 2mm on one side.

After discussion by the quality team of American Airlines Metal Group, we also gave an analysis:

1. The processing of aluminum alloy bars requires special machine tools. If mixed with other materials, due to factors such as material hardness, applicable tools, processing conditions, etc., it will inevitably lead to material processing problems;

2. The chemical reactivity of aluminum causes its reaction with acid and alkali, so the cutting fluid with a weak alkaline pH of 7.88 will react with aluminum to produce meta-aluminate deposited on the surface of the material;

3, the depth of the knife is too large, the material and the tool friction to produce high heat, will also cause the alloying elements of the material segregation, leading to white spots.

After listening to my analysis, the customer found that they have been processing stainless steel, so the processing of aluminum alloy bars is unprofessional. I am very fortunate to have American Airlines Metal Group as a partner.

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